2012年4月29日 星期日






2012年4月24日 星期二



甘仔(甘浩望神父(Father Franco Mella))剛完成他的第一張唱片的錄音。
這個選在五.一當晚舉行的演唱會,是這張首作《永遠革命》的一個前沿現場演繹的機會。年多前,甘仔曾在葵涌的工廈演場舉行過他首個的個人演唱會。今次,則假本地最負盛名的工廈演場Hidden Agenda(牛頭角大業街15號永富工業大廈二樓)演出,是利用更具觀眾容量,更具專業音響製作的條件,期望接觸更廣面民眾的一次正式演出。
由當年新華社門外,遮打化園,無數抗爭現場,到現在一個正式的演出,這些歌曲正是一個生命面對生活歷程的紀實文本(a documentarian body-of-work)。這種民間的歌唱口述歷史的形式,在東西方社會的文化路跡都存在;到了甘仔,一個由米蘭到鑽石山到油麻地的草根吟唱歌者,以他個人的多語類,戲劇色彩,和幽默,呈現了一種和合的人文關懷的精神,或以他的引據,實踐一種基督精神,共產精神。
因為場地的使用和希望為草根文化中心籌款,這次音樂會設了一百元的門劵,含飲料和一張甘仔為新唱片《永遠革命》而在家中收錄的一張demo CD,讓演唱會支持者有一聽其中歌曲的原貌,更加熟悉以期待即將出版的錄音室版本。



香港社會就是這樣被啤出來的,人們用名利作為量呎,用經濟利益作為價值;如果放下這種已被集體生產出的心貌,我們重新審視甘仔作為一個行道者,一個草根的唱 吟詩人,他走過的路,在人群間傳留過的能量,有哪位『藝人』可以比量?


Hidden Agenda 位置地圖


2012年4月21日 星期六

Concert Run-down

Opening: Lenny

1. We will sing One Song
2. 也許
3. Hellalujah

Concert Rundown:
4. 願
5. Dente in de la Barca
6. 霍謠
7. Le Noster
8. 廢除死刑
9. Permanent Revolution
10. 屬於人民
11. 我的慈父
12. Luglio 96'
13. 多謝你們
14. Superschool
15. 你們願意記得我們嗎?
16. Amour Eernal
17. 打敗死亡
18. 全心愛你
19. I Care
20. The Poor
21. 休息
22. With Love
23. Universal Soldier
24. 左右

*This is a multi-lingual concert with songs in Italian, English, French, Mandarin & Cantonese.

*THE CONCERT IS A FUND-RAISER FOR "THE GRASS-ROOTS CULTURE CENTRE, " a tiny NGO initiated by Father Mella decades ago.

Franco Sings On labour day

Franco sings on labour day
"Permanent Revolution" concert by Franco Mella at Hidden Agenda, 1st of May 2012.

Franco is fondly known as 'Kam Cai' by his friends and fans.  Despite his story being made into a mainstream film didn't put him into the arena of fame.  A social icon he surely is.  Famous no doubt.  He is still walking his meek and humble ways nevertheless.
Franco has long been a self-contented singer-songwriter, documenting his life and people he met by means of multi-lingual tunes he has written, mostly guitar.
These are stories of the desperado, from the grass-roots livelihood that bleeds the bases of all struggles: poverty and discrimination.  Mella says his songs are gifts from god.
Singing buddy 'artivist' Lenny Kwok has been trying to persuade Franco to put the body-of-work into a well defined document.  Thus the recording of the album "Permanent Revolution" began two months ago.  Franco has so far recorded all the basic tracks for the album, which is scheduled to release around summer.
Armed with the recording of these songs, a concert is scheduled to propagate them to a larger public - the songs have so far only confronted the audience at demonstrations and gatherings, location of social actions.
Franco was a child singing in the choir of the Milan's Cathedral back in Italy.  Besides his religious study, he was also baptized by the youth movements in Europe in 1968 while studying for his priesthood.  Guitar and songs became a means to react and record.  And coming to china, via hong kong gave him much experiences that turned into great songs of humanity.
With his slightly twisted diction of cantonese, he created, as Lenny puts it, a new clergyman folk genre that truly distinguishes him from the popular music sound waves you would encounter in the local music scene.
The conviction and deep spiritual emotion of his songs and singing are so unique that surely he is not everyone's cup of tea.  But if you have a pair of ears that open into the depth of your heart and soul, you'll get connected to this voice - Franco Mella.
enquires: 5111 9703


2012年4月16日 星期一


今次音樂會,甘仔將使用一支由梅窩的一位結他導師捐出的Aria Nylon String Cut away 結他.這支內置contact pickup的結他,指板很適合甘仔較大的手型,彈來比較舒服.我們特地請artist Yvetta把"Permanent Revolution"和甘仔的經典口號”堅持到底”以六十年代色彩的字型設計,搆繪到面板上.這將是甘仔的招牌樂器.大家在音樂會上將可觀賞到樂器和人的結合.